I have to pitch my new project idea 'The Librarian' to my tutors and peers within the next couple of days so I have knocked together a quick one sheet to help promote this.
I recently visited the Antiques Market of Bath and took a few snaps whilst I was there. It's such an amazing place with so many interesting things to look at. One stall in particular caught my eye and got me thinking about the feel of my upcoming stop motion project The Librarian. With all of the clutter and antique feel  I could see this as somewhere my character would  reside. I will keep these images in mind for when I am writing the narrative and designing the set.
Here are a few doodles from my sketch book of character ideas for my upcoming Librarian character:
I will be developing the chappy with the monocle further into some 3D sculpts.

Normal Hands

As you have seen in a previous post, I have made a few sets of latex puppet hands. Here is what they look like.

Following on from my idea of the Librarian character whose veins have words running through them, I thought it would be a good idea to test some materials such as their movement abilities and their aesthetic qualities on these hands in the hope that I will find something that I can use in a future puppet.

Thread Writing

As you may have seen in a previous post, I had been stitching words into a dissolvable fabric which would allow me to have thread words which I could then combine with latex onto my puppets hands to create the look of words in the skin.
The end result not surprisingly wasn't very good. The thread had started to unravell so the letters were unledgable and it was very raised up from the skin which didn't look right. When the joints were moved parts of thread became loose whereas others restricted the movement of the hand itself.

Hand Writing

For this hand I just used a pemanent marker to write onto the skin. This obviously didn't affect the movement of the hand and was quick and easy to do but it isn't at all what I want it to look like aesthetically.

Book Pages

This is the closest any of the latex hands got to looking how I wanted them to look. However, the book pages would have to be applied to areas of skin that didn't need to move, ie. not on joints as they would rip. Also size is an issues, these hands have been made bigger for experimental purposes so an actual sized puppet hand might find difficulty in having bits of book pages applied to it.

Sculpey Transfer

I had bought some translucent liquid sculpey (bought here) just to experiment with. One of it's qualities is that it is a good transfer medium, so I thought I would experiment in trying to transfer a book page onto a sculpey hand. I couldn't do this to a latex hand as the sculpey needed to be baked.
Aesthetically this was perfect! Just what I wanted. However this was obviously on a sculpey hand, and therefore unanimatable and unsuitable for a puppet. My plan is to make a marrionette puppet in this technique and to carry on experimenting for my stop-motion librarian.
He's been experimenting with his style...
For my current project I have been set an open brief to explore and develop...

I have decided to create a character: a librarian, an old man who has told so many stories in his life that he has become the stories. Whilst this is the idea that my work will be based on the aesthetic qualities for this project will not be important although I will develop some work in this area and it will be loosely based on this idea; It is the craft based skills in terms of puppet making (stop-motion and theatre) that I want to develop and explore. However this is a project that I would like to continue through to completion past the deadline and it is then that I will bring all the skills that I have learnt throughout this module into practice to create the Librarian and his story.

Some initial sketches and models for the Librarian